VA PUR-Pressure Ulcer Resource

by US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Health & Fitness


The VA Pressure Ulcer Resource (VAPUR) is for outpatient Veterans and their family-member caregivers, not medical professionals. The Learn function gives users simple content with graphics and videos structured as FAQs on everything from pressure ulcer care to the role of nutrition and exercise in prevention and healing. Medical professionals also may use VAPUR to educate patients about pressure ulcers before discharge. The “Journal Entry” function provides the ability to track individual pressure ulcers, capturing such information as wound size, shape, color, amount and color of drainage, and pain level. This is important, particularly in home-based and rural settings for Veterans do not have daily access to high-quality, evidence-based wound-care specialists. Other functionality includes question trackers to facilitate discussions between Veterans and their medical teams and reminders for changing position, eating a snack, and taking medications. The App includes automated help dialing and resource locators.